The Genomic Analysis of Eukaryotes Lab (LAGE) studies the structure and evolution of eukaryote genomes and of environmental eukaryote communities by computational and experimental approaches. We are taking advantage of omics data to explore functional characteristics of organisms in their environments as well as their interconnections, the shaping of the communities and their relations with their environment, and the evolution through time and space of genomes, functions and communities.

We are part of Tara consortium. Tara is a schooner that embed a scientific laboratory and navigate the planet sampling to answer specific scientific question, dessiminate science to local population and sensibilise about climate change and ocean pollution. In the framework of Tara Ocean program, the LAGE analyse data to serve our thematics (ressources available here).

Why studying plankton ?

Omics : from read to communities

Functional insights

Biogeography & Seascape Genomics

Our bioinformatics analysis are made possible thanks the high performance computing TGCC.

To complement our environmental genomic approach, we are using experimental biology. Working in a very rich and interdisciplinary environment provided by the Genoscope Sequencing Centre and the Metabolic Genomics Research Unit (UMR8030), we can develop technique such as physiology (microalgae cultivation and directed evolution), biochemistry (recombinant protein production and characterisation, enzymatic activity assay), molecular biology (genomics, transcriptomics at the sequencing plateform).